Online 24/7 Resource
Training Center
Available for Our Customers!
ICC /community Development Solutions is delighted to expand its Laserfiche support services to include “The Training Center” – an extraordinary online training resource. Our Laserfiche customers can now take advantage of a dedicated online training website that provides high-quality, informational videos to help users learn all they need to know about their Laserfiche systems – at their convenience.

The Training Center + You = Laserfiche Proficiency
Available to all of our Laserfiche customers, we are excited to provide this online training resource to help you realize the full potential of your system. Whether you are new to Laserfiche, or an experienced Laserfiche user, “The Training Center” will provide you with the instructional content you need and desire to enhance your proficiency when you need it.
The Laserfiche Training Center will provide you and your staff with in-depth expert training opportunities, including:
- An introduction to Laserfiche
- The Laserfiche Client (searching, scanning, importing/exporting, photo docs)
- Laserfiche Administration (metadata management, security, indexing, troubleshooting)
- Quick Fields (capture, identify, process, store)
- Workflow
- WebLink
- Web Access
- Records Management
- And more
Once you choose to take advantage of this valuable training resource, the cost of your subscription will be based on the number of users for your system. For information about accessing this valuable training resource, contact ICC Community Development Solutions at 855-436-2633 or by email.
Dedicated to Maximizing Your Laserfiche Investment
As part of our ongoing commitment to providing our customers with all the tools they need to maximize the benefits of their Laserfiche systems, we are pleased to provide our customers with a variety of high-quality training and support options:
- Interactive Online Training (2 days)
- On-Site Training – expert instruction at your location
- Our technical support team is available to assist your with questions regarding your Laserfiche system. As always, you can contact the Laserfiche HelpDesk by email at [email protected] or by phone at 855-436-2633.