ICC Community Development Solutions is the Best Laserfiche Solution Provider for Government
Not all Laserfiche Solution Providers are equal. Our added value comes from our experience serving over 2,700 municipal governments. We are experts in organizing information and providing the best tools and solutions for records management and process automation.

A group of more than 20 people support our clients—installers, trainers, project managers, programmers, helpdesk, technical architects, and solution account executives.

We are a Platinum Certified Reseller. This credential indicates that we possess an in-depth understanding of ECM solutions and practical applications of Laserfiche to serve government needs.

Including 30 counties, 66 cities, 230 towns and townships, and 72 villages.

We have 10 Shared Services installations that enable 60 communities to save money and be more efficient. We were the first Solution Provider to install Shared Services systems in New York State.

“Piggyback” on an established contract. You can avoid issuing an RFP/RFQ, get the best pricing, and expedite the purchasing process.

We conduct free virtual and in-person user workshops. These events enhance Laserfiche skills and advance your organization’s operational and records management processes. Learn useful Tips & Tricks and be introduced to the latest features in Laserfiche.

Log-in to one of our live webinars to learn more about the various applications of our Content Management Solutions for specific roles within organizations.

Each year more than 3,000 Laserfiche users attend this conference. Sessions and hands-on labs are taught by industry experts, Laserfiche engineers, and customers. Attendees learn ways to work smarter, drive innovation and transform your office into a digital workplace. We cover registration fees for some clients each year.

We offer the best practices for delivering, implementing, and integrating your Laserfiche installation. Our full-service approach includes Consulting, Solution Architecture Review, Project Management, Integration Development, Data Conversions, Programming, Workflow Development, eForm Development, Records Management Deployment, Off-Hours Upgrades, and Grant Writing Support

Our staff is experienced with integrating many applications with Laserfiche to speed content onboarding and access, to add value to existing assets. With data shared between programs, you’ll maximize your Laserfiche investment.

We have developed applications to automate FOIA requests, Accounts Payable, Human Resources, Contract Management, Compliance Tracking, Asset Management, Case Management and much more.

We have years of tried-and-true experience working with the published State schedules and requirements, and have already incorporated the retention schedules and disposition instructions into Laserfiche for many customers.

We have establish relationships with many M/WBE firms who we can partner with to fulfill any requirements you have.

Municipalities in New York State can purchase Laserfiche without going to bid. General Code is a vendor on the NYSOGS Contract #PM67301.

“Piggyback” on an established contract. You can avoid issuing an RFP/RFQ, get the best pricing, and expedite the purchasing process.

Do you have questions about Laserfiche Forms? Do you have an issue with a form that you are creating? This webinar is for you! Submit a question or a topic you’d like to discuss. Members of our development team will be on hand to answer your questions and give expert advice.

(CPP Courses)
The Certified Professional Program (CPP) provides e-learning, self-paced courses and exams to certify users on installing, configuring, and managing Laserfiche solutions. In Content and Process Management courses, you’ll learn how to automate processes from the point of capture using Laserfiche Forms and Workflow.

You’ll receive Laserfiche Tips & Tricks e-mails and our e-newsletter, so that you are constantly learning new ways to use Laserfiche and are up to date on what our company is doing for our clients.