Municity Related Products
Take your system to the next level with these available integrations. Want to know more?

Access Your ICC Codes
A seamless solution to access your ICC Codes directly within Municity 5.
You no longer need to fumble between apps and browser tabs. You don’t have to find your hardcopy code book and wonder if it is the most up-to-date version. All the information you need will now be accessible from within Municity 5 desktop. It will be accurate, immediate, and all in one place! Instantly. Digitally. Conveniently.
From the Municity 5 desktop, this powerful integration allows you to search relevant and timely code content directly from the Municity interface, quickly cite Code on violations and complaints, added codes can be configured to pull into reports, citations, and other printouts, avoid mistakes when capturing code citations manually and more.
If you are a small institution that is interested in taking this beginner step into digital permitting, please contact us to learn more.

Laserfiche® Document Management Software
Securely store and access your documents.
If you’re searching for a method to house your important Municity 5 documents within your secure Laserfiche® repository or view your Laserfiche® repository from the Municity 5 interface, look no further than our Municity 5 – Laserfiche® Integration!
How does this integration function? While on an “entity” in Municity 5 (Parcel, Occupant, Permit, etc.) Municity can automatically search for related documents in Laserfiche® and display them within the Municity 5 interface/provide a link to view them in the Laserfiche Web Client. Additionally, when printing a document in Municity 5, a copy of the document can automatically be stored in Laserfiche for archival and retention.
Want to learn more? Contact your ICC CDS Account Manager today!

Electronic Plan Review
ICC CDS is now an official Avolve Technology Partner.
Avolve’s plan review solutions can be fully integrated into Municity 5.
ICC CDS is now a technology partner for Avolve to allow our customers to include DigEplan with their Municity solution using CDS as single point of contact. Avolve Software’s unparalleled suite enables jurisdictions of all sizes to enhance community development by realizing efficiency gains from its best-in-class ePlan solutions, ProjectDox and DigEplan. Avolve’s plan review solutions can be standalone or fully integrated into permitting workflows, to enhance productivity, staff and applicant experience, as well as streamline permit issuance. Trusted by more than 250 customers, Avolve’s industry-leading research and development investments ensure its robust electronic plan review solutions maximize jurisdiction efficiency and economic growth, both today and into the future. Watch Video Demo

Electronic Plan Review Tool
Are you looking for a plan review markup tool that can be utilized with Municity 5?
BlueBeam Revu/Studio is a premier markup and plan review tool for Contractors, Planners, Engineers, Architects, and more! With the power of BlueBeam, you can open any PDF document from within Municity 5, apply the appropriate markups/comments, and then save directly into the Municity 5 record. This integration is available for your Municity 5 software with an active Bluebeam Revu/Studio license.

Payment Processors
Utilizing Municity 5 for intaking fee payments with pre-approved payment processors is simple.
If you are interested in utilizing Municity 5 for intaking fee payments, either online* or at a payment kiosk, here are our currently integrated payment processors: VPS, Link2gov/FIS, Paymentus, ACI, Point and Pay, Forte and InterwareDev (EB2Gov).
If your current processor is not listed above, Municity 5 can be integrate with a wide range of products. Simply reach out to our team for a development scope and quote today!
*Please note that online payments require the Municity Connect public portal and an existing contract with a payment processor.

Parcel Updaters
Municity 5 integrates with a variety of popular parcel sources.
Some of the parcel sources include but not limited to: RPS Updaters, PAS Updaters, Vision Updaters. GIS-Based parcel updaters (ArcGIS, ESRI), QDS – eQuality, Proval and Govern.
This integration enables the import of your municipal parcels and allows for a chosen frequency of updates to ensure you always have the most up-to-date information populating your Municity 5 database.
Ask us about any of these integrations or any customized solution to fit your needs.